Specific Goals FMF
I am joining up with Five Minute Friday
During five minute Friday we are given a word prompt and free write for 5 minutes.
Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.
This weeks word prompt is SPECIFIC

I had a brain freeze or rather my mind has so many tabs open I had brain overwhelm or writers block… I put the word “specific” in the search box on my blog to see where and how it pops up. I have used the word Specific 14 times in 399 posts. This will be my 400th post.
“Set specific times” Mental Health Times Of Crisis
“specific tasks or projects,” Productivity With Trello
“take a specific action” Blogging Tips
“specific topics you’d be interested in learning more about in regards to mental health?” Mental Health Awareness 2
“specific diagnosis” Parenting and Mental Health
“specific word prompt given to us by Kate.” How Do We Help Them Heal
“What I need is to focus on specific goals instead of scrabbling in several directions.” Back To The Drawing Board
“specific disorder” Chronic Voice Linkup
“I wrote a post using specific prompts” June Health & Wellness Roundup
“Goals are more specific and detailed.” Goals and Dreams recap
“specific ways ” Be an advocate for animals
“I would find it hard to say that I have a specific skill” FMF Talent
“which specific foods” Currently Wrapping
“specific for my cause of pain” FMF Start

And now that I have woke up my brain I can set the timer for five minutes and write unedited. here goes….
Timer Start
Did you set any specific goals for this summer? I planned to, I had printed out bucket lists for all the family to fill out one each. Then I was going to map out a joyful fun summer adventure. In this adventure I was going to have plenty of time to write and to work on building a business that I can run from home. Writing has always been something I’ve loved along with reading. But I’ve never had the confidence to believe I could be a ‘real author’ who gets paid. I now have had some articles published on a friends homesteading site Salt in my Coffee. But I still feeling lack of confidence that I can make this dream (paid for writing) an ongoing reality.
Timer End