April A to Z challenge 2020 Letter F
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A to Z challenge 2020 Letter F
Faith,Family,Finance,Five, Focus, Friday, Frustration, Fun,
Today I am going to do a play on words I guess. I wrote down a list of the words that came to my head when I was working on ideas to write about for the letter F. I am surprised food didn’t make the list. (laughing).
Our family is putting forth more of our usual effort on our homestead for growing our own food this year. #VictoryGardens We plowed a much bigger plot than usual and a dear friend sent us a ton of seeds she had extra of.
The majority of the words above make me think of the writing prompt that I enjoy doing and have not been making time to do lately. Five Minute Friday. Five Minute Friday is a link up where they give us a writing prompt and we write uninterupted for 5 minutes and then hit publish.
You can see some of my previous Five Minute Friday posts by clicking here . There are even more if you type FMF in the search bar.
Another word that begins with F that is important to my family is foster care. We last year finished training and became licensed to become a foster home. The terminology they prefer us to use now is resource family. No matter which term you use we have become a second family to a special child.
I have come across some great books to help foster children. I want to mention a few of them here. One that is our top favorite is Murphys Three Homes. Another one that little has liked is Maybe Days. There is an article below that lists many more great books for foster kids if you are interested.
Story Time: Books For Children In Foster Care [Updated 2022]
During this time of pandemic I hope you have faith, family and fun. Enjoy today. What F word stands out in your mind right now? Drop it in the comments.