Harmony Homestead

Welcome to Seeking Serenity & Harmony @ Harmony Homestead

In an earlier post you will find more about the reasons behind the name. Now more about Harmony Homestead. We began backyard chicken keeping in 2012

In 2014 we moved to our dream plot of land where we plan to grow more self sufficient.

We have had alpacas, pigs, chickens, ducks, guinea hens, turkeys and geese. We also have a house rabbit, two dogs, a cat and a gecko. Sometimes there is an occasional extra dog guest as we foster for a rescue.

If you would like to read more of the posts previously written look in my category list in the sidebar or the cloud tag in the bottom of the page. Here are a few of my favorite





(bare with me this page and this whole blog is a work in progress)

There are videos from our homestead on Youtube 


For more photos from the homestead follow me on  https://www.instagram.com/seekingserenity2001/

For more Harmony Homestead Happenings follow me on https://www.facebook.com/SeekingSerenityandHarmonyHomestead/