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Can You Name 5 Five Things You Like About Yourself ?

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Five Things You Like About Yourself

Reading a post over at Nyxies Nook about Self Care and Recovery She asked readers to name 5 things they like about themselves.  That same week Ruth Soukup had challenged her readers to  name one thing they like about themself.

My reply is ” This one is going to be hard for me. I am feeling challenged to think about and write down 5 things. ”

The List

Here is a list I had started called my best habits. I will use this for my  five things I like about me.

I had written this after doing a list of bad habits. These were done using question prompts form Facebooks make a list feature.

As I wrote the list of negatives I found myself getting more depressed and negative about myself. I enjoyed the best habits list much more. Try making your own list of five things you like most about yourself. What did you write down?

Self Love

From what I am reading lately a lot of women (and men) struggle with self love and self care.  Can you name 5 things you like or love about you? Answer in the comments if you are struggling with this. Or even if you know 5 things shout it out in the comments.

Quick May recap

5/31/2019 Today is Friday the last day of May. This month flew by and this week was short due to the long weekend. I feel like I really need things to slow down for just a bit. There was a lot going on in May. Here is a post I did at the beginning of the month with all of my plans for challenges I was giving myself or doing with others. I am feeling guilty for being behind on my plans. I try my best to take things day by day to not get overwhelmed.


This weeks recap:

This week I came across Farm Fresh Tuesday blog hop. I was so thrilled to find all of these great homesteading blogs. When I started out it was with the desire to blog about my experience homesteading but so far it has been more about my journey with mental health and chronic illness. It inspired me to figure out how I can balance things out so I am writing about homesteading as well as my awareness posts for chronic illness and mental health.

Link Ups

I believe I actually stumbled upon the Farm Fresh Tuesday link up by visiting blogs over at the Dish It & Dig It link up party. While there I shared my Dandy Dandelion post and a book review post over there. I usually also join up  the Literacy Musings Monday

Linkups at Maryanderingscreatively.com. This week there was no linkup. Mary is the first blogger who visited and commented on my blog when I was brand new. The support of community from other bloggers is like having another big extended family. I have met a lot of very nice people in the blog groups and chronic illness support groups on Facebook. Even though I am far from a social butterfly community is important to me.

What else happened this week?

Todays 5 minute Friday writing prompt is “Name”. If You missed it last weeks was “Culture”. I will be writing and posting my five minute free write on name within the next few days. I did do an earlier blog post about names and the meaning behind the names I have used in the online and blog world.


Time flew, life got crazy and I did not get last weeks 5 minute Friday written. How many of you reading this feel like there is not enough of you going around? Feeling like you are juggling too many balls? I just started taking a course on Stress. I really need to make myself prioritize what is most important and focus on those balls instead of trying to juggle everything and dropping the important balls.

Happening in  June:

What's inside Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle plus cheatsheets
What's inside Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle

A peek inside the Herbs & Essential Oil Bundle! A peek inside the Herbs & Essential Oil Bundle! A peek inside the Herbs & Essential Oil Bundle! All the resources that are essential oil related!

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  1. You’re right! It can be hard to come up with 5 good things about yourself. If only we spent as much time focusing on our good qualities as we do on our bad qualities!

  2. Complimenting ourselves is one of the hardest things – why is that? I’m going to have to think really hard on this one to come up with 5!

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