How Can It Be April Already?
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How Can It Be April Already?
Okay technically its not April for a couple of more days. But we are gearing up for Easter on Sunday and then April 1st comes around the corner on Monday. How can it already be we are heading into Easter weekend and ending the month of March. I had so much more I wanted to have done by now. But I will Restart, Reset and Don’t Quit.
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday today. In the Five minute Friday linkup we set a timer for 5 minutes and free write about the word prompt, then share.
You can read more about how to participate here. I have been determined to get back into practicing my writing. I have already completed a course in writing for children. Since I’ve been fostering I’m even more wishing I could write and publish some books to help these kiddos through their trauma. Then I look on Amazon and imposter syndrome starts making me feel like I don’t measure up. I’m going to keep pushing those negative feelings aside and keep taking baby steps towards those writing goals.
” In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. “. Dwight D. Eisenhower
I’m not going into battle (other than battling my procrastination) but I am going to stop procrastinating and do better at planning and follow through. I heard this quote this past week “You wouldn’t shame a baby for taking their first steps, but then immediately falling down. You’d celebrate. So celebrate yourself for all your own baby steps too!”~ Faith Mariah
I need to stop feeling ashamed for not having gotten as far as I think I should and recognize the baby steps I have taken.
I will be participating in the April Blog A to Z challenge this coming month. Trying to decide which topic my readers are most interested in reading:
Mental Health, Invisible Illness & Self Care
or if they only show up for my Linkup Posts
Drop me a comment and tell me your thoughts.
Goodbye March
Hello April

Previous post:
Ultimate Business Upgrade Package
From April 1st through Friday 5th Michelle Pontvert is hiding 6 sneaky presents throughout her website. Find & click them to reveal a special treat!
we do you know? We need to celebrate the steps that we take. Because all those steps are very important. (even those oopsie steps) visiting from FMF9
Thank you for stopping by! Have a Terrific Tuesday
Isn’t it funny how we beat ourselves up for what we think we should be able to get done instead of looking at all that we have done. I love your comment, “Restart, Reset and Don’t Quit!” Joining in from Five Minute Friday. 🙂
Yes, That beating ourselves up is a habit I am trying hard to break. Thank you for stopping by. Have a Terrific Tuesday
I second Kim’s comment about “Isn’t it funny how we beat ourselves up for what we think we should be able to get done instead of looking at all that we have done.” So true.
Yes it is very interesting. I probably should flip that script in my head. Thanks for stopping by.
Some great thoughts here. I’m encouraged to be reminded it’s okay to take baby steps, and fail and get back up. Second time this week someone has reminded me. Thanks. Kath, your FMF neighbour at #2 this week.