Take 5 : Five Minute Friday
Take Five
Linking up with http://www.Fiveminutefriday.com The rules are: set a timer and write for five minutes on word prompt, then share.
Five Minute Friday: Take 5
Start Timer
The word take pops into my head and I think “Take what?”. Take a photograph, Take a break or vacation? Take a breath? Take control?
My take on it is take time today; tomorrow may be taken away. See what I did there?? Pun intended.
What keeps coming back is taking time. Take time now. Do not wait until tomorrow.
We do not know what tomorrow holds. I, as well as you, know how fragile life can be. We don’t know for sure that we have tomorrow. Spend time with those loved ones now. Don’t wait to use those special dishes. Take time to listen to and care for those who are there.
If you need a minute, take a breath, take a comforting bath, or take a nap. Take 5. Take five minutes to take care of yourself. Take care of yourself, and take time to show love and care to those around you.
Thanks for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 2! Shared ♥
This has been wonderful advice for eons as, like you said, we are not promised tomorrow so make the best of today.
Great post 🙂