
Currently Fixing,Hearing,Borrowing, Feeling and Recommending


I am linking up with Anne In Residence.

fixing,   A pile of clothes that need mending has seemed to multiply.  I’m also fixing to spend some time working out a new schedule so I am not forgetting and falling behind on things.

I am currently hearing, The wind howling and the dogs barking at the noises of things blowing in the wind.


borrowing, some great eBooks  From Kindle Unlimited.  One of several Cozy Mysteries on my list is Allergen Free Assignation.


So many feelings lately.  The usual feelings that go along with Chronic Illness exhaustion, achy. Mentally as a mom and foster parent emotional, anxious about making sure every ones needs are met and triggered by memories of some of my own past emotional traumas.



These Bamboo toothbrushes that our family has switched to…

You can read last months linkup post here.


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