FMF Linkup How June 2020
FMF Writing Prompt Linkup How
I am linking up at Five Minute Friday. The writing prompt this week is How.
The goal is to set a timer and free write for five minutes using the word prompt provided.
How are you doing with your 2020 Goals so far? This year has not turned out like many of us had planned so far. How can this year already be half gone? Well I suppose being quarantined for 3 months of it didn’t help with our plans.
How are you feeling really? Mental health was an issue long before this pandemic. It is said that due to the isolation that more people are struggling. If you are please reach out and seek help or be sure to make time to connect with others. I wrote a post once How to hold on for one more day. I love that song and giving folks a bit of hope in times of despair.
There is just so much going on right now that I am sure I am not alone in feeling overwhelmed with it all.
5 minute Timer Stop:
See some previous Five Minute Fridays of mine here.
FMF Writing Prompt Link-up July 2019 Willing
You’re definitely not alone in feeling overwhelmed…2020 is one for the record books. The phrase ‘one day at a time’ became my motto for this year (that and ‘rest’) once lockdown was announced and I realised I’d have to work and home-school two children…eeek!; whenever I want to get overwhelmed, I repeat this phrase to myself. Thanks for sharing your list on the ‘how to hold on for one more day’ post – very helpful 🙂