
Read A Good Book Lately? My 20 Books of Summer and More

20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge Update

I did complete my reading challenge on Goodreads and the 20 Books of Summer. In addition to that I also had opportunity to read a few books to review. One was Amy Oestreicher’s  My Beautiful Detour and one was by Melissa R. Cassidy  Coming Home: Leaving Busy To Save My Soul.

I have published a book review on Amazon for Coming Home: Leaving Busy.    I really enjoyed the opportunity to preview Melissa’s book before she published.  I connected with so many of the things she wrote about. I enjoyed the thought provoking reflection portions with questions to think about. I recommend grabbing a copy. You can visit her landing page on her website here.


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I left a review on Amazon for Amy’s book My Beautiful Detour.  This book took some time to get through. It was very easy to feel the weight of her pain.  I am glad I read it though. I recommend it.

I personally like reading memoirs especially when one has overcome so many difficult obstacles such as Amy has done. She didn’t give in to the darkness during the struggle. She kept on and keeps on. Sharing her story and spreading awareness to help others. You can read more about her journey here. Or visit her social media Facebook.com/amyoestr Twitter.com/amyoes Instagram.com/amyoes70 #LoveMyDetour 

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