Feb 2021 Write 28 Days Challenge

Write 28 Days

28 day writing challenge  ~ #write28days challenge

 I was all excited to join in on this Write 28 days,  daily writing challenge and here it is Feb 15th and I have not yet finished one of these blog posts. I have written most days. So here I will try to catch up on all the days I have missed and finish out the month doing the daily challenge.
write 28 days. Image of hands typing on laptop
My focus word for the month of February is love.  I am hoping to spread more positive, hopeful messages of love to those who need it. Learning.  to love oneself is key to improving ones mental health
Be Kind Respect hearts and pink lines on a pink and dark pink background

Feb 1 word is Disappoint  I came across this saying and I spent some time pondering it. 

“Disappoint once, disappoint twice: You had better not disappoint thrice” Failing to meet the  hopes or expectations of someone is the  Oxford Dictionary’s  definition of disappoint. I think it would be pretty hard to never disappoint someone. Especially since disappointment is based on the other persons hopes or expectations of you.  I found this article:  https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/5-reasons-it-might-be-healthy-to-disappoint-someone-1026164

Feb 2: Enthusiasm
Having a long term struggle with chronic depression, I find it hard to show intense enthusiasm. I spent some time looking up how to improve your feelings of enthusiasm. There were some interesting articles. Here is one that can help if you are finding it difficult to be enthusiastic.  https://www.livestrong.com/article/348427-how-to-treat-lack-of-energy-enthusiasm/
February 3: Learn I don’t know about you but I consider myself a lifelong learner. I love learning new things and am always signing up for new classes and trainings. My love for reading comes in handy here too. The past two years I did a lot of focusing on learning about foster parenting and children’s mental health issues. I also focused on learning more lessons on homesteading and natural remedies. I am focusing on learning what I can about herbs that benefit the health.

February 4: Make As I mentioned learning more about herbs, We have been making some herbal syrups, sugars, vinegars and tinctures in our kitchen. I am getting some more vanilla beans so I can make  Vanilla, Lavender Honey.  I love raw unfiltered honey in my tea. What better than to add some herbal goodness to it. Feb 5: W/ Five Minute Friday: Sunset woman sitting watching sunset Write 28 Days Help Fight Depression

Write 28 Days

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February 6: Awe The feeling of Awe at seeing my first grandchild take his first breath is one I will not forget.   February 7: Emphasis I want my blog to start emphasizing more on the struggle of those with mental health issues. Bringing awareness to the numbers of children in crisis in this world.
February 8: Exasperated Exasperated seems to be the feeling I am experiencing a lot lately. Along with exhaustion.
February 9: Energize  I went from exasperated to energized when I was creating my March calendar and made sure to schedule in some necessary self care appointments. Somedays I consider  self care making time to take a shower. Feeling organized makes me energized.
February 10: Predicament  for me is usually wondering whats for dinner. Then when we make a decision we find we are missing several ingredients. Plan for the homestead is get better with meal planning.
February 11: Argument Oh boy. This word brings to mind instant emotional stress. I’ve witnessed a few people arguing lately during some meetings  and it makes my anxiety spike through the roof. Feb 12 Five Minute Friday Once  https://seekingserenityandharmony.com/five-minute-friday-once/
February 13: Awestruck  Awestruck? Back to the thought of what I wrote for the word Awe and seeing my first baby having her first baby. Seeing my grandson take his first breath and hear his first cry after he was born blue with the cord wrapped around his neck multiple times.
February 14: Creativity  This I want more of in my life. I love writing and playing with craft materials. I love taking pictures and making scrapbooks. I just find myself spending so much time thinking “I don’t have time for that” that I don’t focus on these things. I need to put more of scheduling time for creativity in my days.

February 15: Habit I am working on changing some of my habits. For instance focusing more on taking care of my body and healthy to prevent future problems. I have learned though that it is not smart to try to change several habits at once. It is wise to focus on one at a time. They say it takes a full 30 days to create a habit.

February 16: Serendipity This word brings to mind the fluttershy books that my oldest used to love reading. I remember liking the serendipity one. Whoops that was not the name of those books. Fluttershy and Serendipity are from My Little Pony’s.  Aha I knew there was a Serendipity series my daughter liked. I bought a set for my grandaughter for Christmas.
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February 17: Profession, I am struggling with finding how to label my profession. I went to school to work with children and in the mental health field. I have been a stay at home mom for years and years. I would love to get into the profession of making money with my writing. Meanwhile I write on a blog and hope to find a way to create income streams there. I am a foster parent but that is not a ‘profession’. It is not an “income earning job”.

Write 28 Days

February 18: Experience

Fev 16-19 Kindness to animals

I wanted to write a post here about  kindness to animals and about the Maine Non Profits to help animals. Our household has experience working with a rescue as a foster home for dogs. My youngest has worked hard through 4H and other things to train her rescue dog and is working hard to become a certified dog trainer and run her own non profit dog rescue someday. Meanwhile she creates products and sells them and donates portions of proceeds to local animal rescues. Crafts4Rescues

Feb 19 : Observant
I like to observe =people watch. I am definitely more of a wallflower than  a social butterfly 
Pebruary 20: Peaceable  I really really would like to see a LOT more of this in the world. Refer to the word Unity. I want to see us all more united and working along peacefully. I want a more peaceable world for the future.
February 21:Recuperate I remember my recovery time in 2019 which was a year of surgeries. Recoveries from Hysterectomy, Knee Replacements and Hand surgeries.  It was a painful year and I am glad it is in the past.  This past winter my husband struggled with recovery after having to have to have surgery for double hernias. He really hated the down time and not being able to work. What is the saying? “Its hard to keep a good man down.”
February 22: Resemble  Though I had planned to write a post a day per each word prompt. This post is resembling ‘random ramblings‘.  I am wondering if I should be running two blogs Random Ramblings for my random posts about whats happening and use Seeking Serenity and Harmony for strictly Mental Health and Homesteading Topics. I’m really not sure what visitors are looking for when they land on my blog.
Would you drop a comment and tell me a topic you would like me to spend more focus on a consistent basis??Thank you!  I”m thinking if enough people comment on this post I would love to do a 5.00 Amazon Gift Card raffle for those that comment.
February 23: Perception  Could you drop a comment and tell me what your perception of Serenity and Harmony would look like? Both in your life or on this blog?? I am really struggling to see what my readers are looking for and I want to niche down and write more to serve my readers and less about me and random ramblings.
February 24: Persistent  I am going to be persistent here and not give up my desire to make this blog a success. I want to build something that readers find useful and informative. I want them to come here and find solutions to their problems. Or at least to know that they are not alone. That someone else out there understands how they feel and cares. I want to give my readers a reason to Hold On One More Day. February 25: Patience  I remember being told to “do not pray for patience because you may get more than you asked for”.  See when we pray for patience it usually leads to being tested so that through those lessons we can learn patience. I don’t know about you but  I could use a bit less of the testing. I love learning new things but I do not need more trials in order to learn. Though I guess we learn best from our mistakes??  What do you think??

Feb 26 Enable  This is a powerful word for me right now. I won’t get into it in detail because I can’t find the words other than to say it has to do with kids struggling and parents not learning lessons and in the end kids being in not so great situations. Foster care is tough but I am determined to stay and hopefully I can enable and help some children find a better future and heal the trauma that they have been handed by those meant to love and care for them in the first place.

February 27: Hibernate  Every fall when it starts turning to winter I dream of winter life of hibernating like a bear. Well it doesn’t always work out that way. I may get a bit more reading done but I feel stuck inside and have cabin fever after awhile.  I guess a lot of us have been in hibernation mode of some sort since the pandemic started. Don’t get me wrong. I still go out and get groceries etc.. but life is very different now than it was in Jan/Feb of 2020.
Edit: Whoops its now Feb 28th and I still have a good 10 words that I have not written anything about.

February 28: Perceive  Hey look at that March 1st and I am finally wrapping this post up. This month did not go as I had perceived that it would.  Many things happened that increased physical exhaustion, mental brain fog and lack of focus. I am Marching into March with new hope. I have learned “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”~ Tony Robbins

I also did a writing prompt at A Chronic Voice with the words Defining  Allocating Uniting Saving Educating:

I am linking up with  https://www.everydaygyaan.com/how-do-we-perceive-the-unknown/ #MondayMusings  #MondayMusings [bctt tweet=”Foster care is tough but I am determined to stay and hopefully I can enable and help some children find a better future and heal the trauma that they have been handed by those meant to love and care for them in the first place.” username=”harmony2001″]

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