Wordless Wednesday 2020 #5
Wordless Wednesday
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This post is part of the April 2024 A-Z Blogging Challenge. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through these links I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Letter U is for understanding Understanding mental health involves recognizing and appreciating human mind, emotions, and behavior. It includes a broad spectrum…
Wordless Wednesday Book Giveaway https://mailchi.mp/a39efa0e77f9/book-giveaway
Linkup With Anne In Residence: Currently May 2021 I am linking up with Anne In Residence for the May edition of the Currently linkup. The writing prompts for May are: Consuming, Exploring, (explore is also this months focus word from Morgan of Is Was Will Be. ) Getting, Hoping, Seeing. May is a month for…
class=”I_52qC D_FY W_6D6F” data-test-id=”message-view-body” I am Joining Anne in Residence for her Currently linkup! I am definitely appreciating the cooler temperatures of September.
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. This weeks prompt is “Ignore”. We are given a prompt and told to free write for 5 minutes. Here goes Ignore Don’t ignore the signs Danger Sharp Curve Ahead As the car creeps along Hearing its moans and whines The car is our body Our body is…
style=”text-align: center;”Wordless Wednesday : The Calm Before The Storm July 2020
I enjoyed your post and appreciate you sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/01/saints-among-us.html
Thank you!!