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Wordless Wednesday 1~ Oct 2019

                                Wordless Wednesday 1

wordless wednesday

Weekly Wordless Wednesday Post

Welcome to Another Week IMG Post with the image above. 🙂  I have been having a hard time lately with focus. I seem to be working on one thing and next thing I know I am working on something else. Not only that but I have not yet finished the first thing.

Or how many of you walk into a room and stand there and say to yourself “what did I come in here for??” Yeah its happening all too frequently lately. I think my body and mind is telling me I need to slow down and refine my focus by prioritizing things.

In case you missed it: What I’m finding challenging

What I am Currently arranging,loving,embracing,purchasing,sharing

Welcome Autumn    Also  Farm Fresh Tuesday Sweet Maple & Autumn

Also DONT MISS THIS Genius Bloggers Toolkit 2019

I hope you enjoyed this weeks wordless wednesday image. Tomorrow I will be back with the weekly Traffic Jam Weekend Linkup post.  I am hoping to fit some extra blogging time in between pre op hospital appointments and my Tai Chi for arthritis class.

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