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Seeking Serenity and Harmony: What’s Happening Sept 2019

What's Happening on Seeking Serenity & Harmony

What’s Happening?

I am continuing the journey and still working on my goals of getting healthier, finding time to read good books and getting more organized.


Are you working on any particular goals or habits lately? Share with me in the comments.  I am still working on learning more about natural remedies and herbs and essential oils.   I am also trying to change our eating habits by drinking more water, cutting sugar and heavily processed food out.


Health Goals Image says Live A Better Healthier Life On Your Own Terms
You deserve a healthy life

Homestead Happenings

On the homestead we have successfully raised 5 turkeys this  year which was a first. In previous years we have not been able to grow them past the baby poult stage. I think we have finally got the hang of it.

We didn’t do so well in the garden though we did have some success with a bit of lettuce and a bunch of tomato plants. We had our own blueberries off of the bush’s we planted finally. Granted it was only 5 berries but it was a success!

We were given a bunch of peaches and some of them were needing to be processed quickly so I made pickled peaches to try and made a bit of preserves to then use in a home made peach bbq sauce that was recommended to me.

Our dogs are now no longer eating store bought kibble but are eating home cooked food. It takes work but I have noticed an improvement in them already since the switch. The one that didn’t care about eating has become much more eager about his meals.

He’s our senior dog and I want to be sure he is getting his nutrition.  Our younger dog participates in AKC Junior and 4H  activities with my daughter. We want her to be healthy so she can stay active. She loves learning tricks and spending time practicing with my daughter.


Happening Top Posts & Pages

In July I wrote a post about the most popular posts on my blog.  A blogging course I am taking asks us to look at our most popular posts to see what our readers are interested in.  I took a more recent look at my most popular posts and they appear to currently  be

Looking at the posts and not the pages it appears reading and children’s mental health are my most looked at posts.  Mental Health is a concern of mine for all age groups.
[bctt tweet=”It especially concerns me at the rates that children’s mental health issues are rising. I would really like to see them decreasing.  I am trying to figure out how I can be an advocate and make a difference.” username=”harmony2001″]
Seeking Serenity and harmony Book & Music Corner

I have been reading a lot and taking my eCourses from my Productivity Bundle


and Herbs & Essential Oils bundle

I have plenty of reading to keep me busy through the winter.

Continuing Tomorrow:

Tomorrow I have a post scheduled to release about two books that I had the opportunity to read and review for the authors. Stay Tuned.


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