What Mommy Does & What I Hope Hope To Do
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Let’s Try That Again How many times have you said that to yourself? Or are you like I used to be and instantly go to the ” I can’t do this. I quit.” route? I am still working on retraining my brain to be more of a positive thinker. I have found it does work…
Some More Simplicity Serenity and Harmony I am linking up at Five Minute Friday During five minute Friday we are given a word prompt and write for 5 minutes. Learn more about the link-up and how it works here. This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SOME So seeing these beautiful colored eggs in the…
My first guest post My guest post is about Maine. It is at Sorting Life’s Issues With Jess. She is featuring bloggers writing about all of the different states. You should venture over and check it out. You can check out my guest post here The Very Best of Maine. I may be following up…
Hold On, Hold On for One more day. Inspired by the Wilson Phillips Song. A list of resources and information. Hang on tightly, Hold on, Don’t let go. Your Life Matters. The other day I saw an article that with the warmer weather comes a spike in suicide rates. Who would have thought…
I will be joining the post-A to Z Road Trip. Though the road trip is to links from our April A to Z challenge. I’m reminded that my first guest post was about travel. I am re-sharing it here. The Very Best of Maine Thinking about traveling with your child? Read here to…
Sunshine Blogger Award I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Jessica of Sorting Life’s Issues With Jess. Thank you Jess. The rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award are as follows: •Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their site. •Answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator.