
Victim or Survivor & Vagal Nerve




This post is part of the April 2024 A-Z Blogging Challenge.

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Victim or Survivor?

The terms “victim” and “survivor” carry different connotations and are often used  in situations of trauma or hardship.

  1. Victim:
    • “Victim” typically refers to someone who has experienced harm, injustice, or trauma. It implies a sense of powerlessness or vulnerability in the face of adversity.
    • Calling oneself a victim can sometimes perpetuate a mindset of helplessness or dependency, emphasizing the negative aspects of the experience.
  2. Survivor:
    • “Survivor,” on the other hand, implies resilience, strength, and perseverance in the face of adversity. It suggests that the individual has not only endured hardship but has also managed to overcome it and move forward.
    • Using the term “survivor” can empower individuals by highlighting their ability to cope, adapt, and thrive despite challenging circumstances.

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Are You a Victim or a Survivor?

I think we not only need to move from victim to survivor we then need to move from surviving to thriving. This takes daily effort on our own part. We need to work on ourselves to keep healing and growing and not stay stuck. There is hope and help.

Some resource links



Beyond Victim or Survivor: Reclaiming Identity After Trauma


What is the vagal nerve?

What is this I’m hearing about resetting the vagal nerve?  I’ve recently become aware of a concept related to the vagus nerve and its potential role in regulating the body’s response to stress or trauma. The idea of a “vagal nerve reset” isn’t a widely recognized medical term, but it may be related to practices or therapies aimed at regulating the activity of the vagus nerve to promote relaxation, resilience, and well-being.

The Vagus nerve plays a key role in healing from trauma.

The Vagus Nerve in Trauma Recovery Dr. Arielle Schwartz




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