Thinking Spring 2020
Thinking Spring 2020

I am linking up with A Chronic Voice monthly link up party. It has been awhile since I have been able to write a post and link up over there. Looking back I see, I did happen to link up in January with this post: 2020 I Am. The writing prompts for March are Staying. Doing, Being. Targeting and Weighing.
Thinking ahead to spring 2020
Staying. Like most everyone else we are staying at home as much as possible. All social events and most appointments have been cancelled until a later time. As someone with chronic health conditions and an introvert at heart this ‘staycation’ is not as hard on me as it is for some.
Doing, I am doing a lot of trying to catch up on projects at home. Spending time with the kiddos and doing more thinking about priorities. For self care I have been doing a lot more reading for pleasure. Earlier in the year I spent some time working on my 20/20 vision.
Being. I am trying very hard to keep being positive. It is very hard I have noticed my anxiety level ramped up lately. It seems everyone in the house is having mood swings at the same time. I just have to keep being positive and say we will get through this and hopefully we will have used this time wisely.
Targeting, I am targeting some of my homesteading, self sustaining goals of making more from scratch. I joined the DIY Handmade Holidays 2020 group and we have a project a month. This month we made homemade vanilla. Other things I’ve been doing in the kitchen
1: DIY lemon extract I used the recipe found here.
2) Fermenting kombucha was a success now trying my hand at wine making.
On the homestead I am preparing for spring 2020 chickens it is “chick days” at most feed stores and hatcheries. I have put in my order for some lavendar orpingtons and Black Copper Marans. Here are some tips from Fresh Eggs Daily. Planning on gardening this year? Enter to win 50.00 worth of seeds
Weighing I have not been weighing myself but I am going to get back to doing it. Though by the fit of my clothes I can tell I thankfully haven’t been gaining at this time of spending more time at home. I however haven’t lost any either. My health conditions would likely improve if I could take some of my excess weight off.
A few minutes ago I mentioned reading…
I think we are all looking for something good to read during this time at home and this FREE eBook provides some incredible tips for growing your online business (something so many of us could use right now)!
There is a free eBook 125 Business Tips from Successful Entrepreneurs until midnight 3/26/2020 from Ultimate Bundles Grow your Biz Bundle. Get it here.
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During this pandemic and ‘staycation’ I am working on catching up on some overdue decluttering and spring cleaning. Here is an older post I did on the topic.
I think mother nature is having trouble too. We seem to go from spring to winter from day to day. The forecast says there may be another snow storm coming this coming weekend. Thinking spring thoughts is helping keep the depression from getting deeper. Trying to keep being as positive as possible.
How are you doing? Drop your thoughts in the comments.
Thinking Spring Previous Years:
It is difficult staying positive, especially at the moment. Keeping busy and distracted, and doing things you can enjoy, all sound like good steps. Fermenting kombucha, I wouldn’t have a clue about that but I’m pretty curious now you’ve mentioned it. Wine making would be pretty good too, have fun! Please stay safe & as well as possible lovely xx