FMF: Normal
FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Normal NORMAL What is normal? I was told it is just a setting on the dryer. During this pandemic I am hearing a lot of comments like ” I just want things to get back to normal”.
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FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Normal NORMAL What is normal? I was told it is just a setting on the dryer. During this pandemic I am hearing a lot of comments like ” I just want things to get back to normal”.
April A to Z 2020 Letter J Joy Finding Joy In Times Of Struggle.
Another. I am not going to let another week go by that I miss out on completing a post for Five Minute Friday. This week is another week of staying home during our states stay at home mandate. It seems to be the perfect time to stay home since my car decided it…
April 2020 A-Z Blog Challenge Letter D “This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more”
Darkness This weeks writing prompt for Five Minute Friday is Darkness. I have spent so much of my life fighting depression. Fighting my way out of the depression. The weight of not being able to find joy in the blessings in life. Feeling guilty for not feeling joy for the things I should.
Mental Health Matters First off to my faithful readers I have to apologize that in the last month I’ve been quite forgetful and scattered with my posting. Please forgive me and stick around as I try to get my act together. Thanks for reading. Also because I tend to be over apologetic and say I’m…
Saving your sanity when recovery requires restricted activity level This last week I have not been able to be up and around much due to some illness that remains a mystery. During the time my body is demanding I rest I was reminded of prior times of being frustrated at being laid up. Then I…
Mental Health Awareness I want to be an advocate and support others but lately I’m struggling to get through a normal day. I wrote a quick post on Ko-Fi this morning: Not Just World Mental Health Day. I am having a hard time because I feel I’m not doing enough or making too many mistakes. I…
Making a Difference by Spreading Awareness
What’s Happening? I am continuing the journey and still working on my goals of getting healthier, finding time to read good books and getting more organized.