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Mental Health Matters December 2019 Holidays

Mental Health Matters First off to my faithful readers I have to apologize that in the last month I’ve been quite forgetful and scattered with my posting. Please forgive me and stick around as I try to get my act together. Thanks for reading. Also because I tend to be over apologetic and say I’m…

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Saving your sanity when recovery requires restricted activity level 10 tips

Saving your sanity when recovery requires restricted activity level This last week I have not been able to be up and around much due to some illness that remains a mystery.  During the time my body is demanding I rest I was reminded of prior times of being frustrated at being laid up. Then I…

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FMF Writing Prompt Link-up July 2019 Willing

Five minute Friday linkup we set a timer for 5 minutes and write about the word prompt. This week the prompt is willing. Willing. Willing to do what? Willing myself to feel better is what first pops into my mind. Willing myself to think positive to fight the dark cloud of depression. Willing to push…

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10 Chronic Illness Posts I Recommend Reading Today

Recommended Reading In the last few months I found there was a very supportive group of bloggers who deal with chronic illness on a daily basis. Since becoming a part of that group I have  felt more cared for and understood than every before. If you too are struggling I have listed here some great…

Toby Kieth~ In A world Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind.
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Be A Voice For The Animals and Children 5 Simple ways to Advocate

Why You and I Must Be A Voice For The Animals and Children Hello again. Recently I posted about the scary statistics of mental health issues in our youth. Today my inbox seems flooded with reasons why we must also be an advocate for the animals. I mean both those we consider pets and those that…

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Can You Name 5 Five Things You Like About Yourself ?

Five Things You Like About Yourself Reading a post over at Nyxies Nook about Self Care and Recovery She asked readers to name 5 things they like about themselves.  That same week Ruth Soukup had challenged her readers to  name one thing they like about themself. My reply is ” This one is going to…