Middle : 5 Minute Friday
This weeks prompt is Middle. For Five Minute Friday linkups we get a word prompt and set a timer for 5 minutes. We write for five minutes unedited. You can read more about how to participate here. Brain Dump
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This weeks prompt is Middle. For Five Minute Friday linkups we get a word prompt and set a timer for 5 minutes. We write for five minutes unedited. You can read more about how to participate here. Brain Dump
Five Minute Friday: Distant This post was inspired by Five Minute Friday’s word prompt of the week. In the Five minute Friday linkup we set a timer for 5 minutes and free write about the word prompt,then share. This week the prompt is distant. The word can be used in different ways. It can be…
Linking up with http://www.Fiveminutefriday.com The rules are: set a timer and free write for five minutes on word prompt, then share. Five Minute Friday: Take
Start Timer
The word take pops into my head and I think “Take what?”. Take a photograph, Take a break or vacation? Take a breath? Take control?
This weeks prompt : Goal This week’s Five-Minute Friday prompt is ironic since my this topic has been on my mind a lot. I have small goals, big goals, health goals and wealth goals. Weight goals and not being late goals. Okay seriously Yes, I know I am not Dr. Seuss so here goes…
Five Things You Like About Yourself Reading a post over at Nyxies Nook about Self Care and Recovery She asked readers to name 5 things they like about themselves. That same week Ruth Soukup had challenged her readers to name one thing they like about themself. My reply is ” This one is going to…
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up Looking Back I missed last seeks 5 minute Friday prompt which was promise. I made a promise to myself that I would get a better routine going to find balance but that didn’t happen. Life got in the way with Dr appointments and stuff happening…
This week I am joining in the Five-Minute Friday linkup with the prompt word, Opportunity. The opportunity is new. New and a little bit scary. There is a new opportunity in each new day that I awake.