Must Have Herbal Remedies From the Grocery Store & Garden

Herbal Remedies You Should Find in the Grocery Store or Your Garden Herbal remedies are plants that have a medicinal effect. Herbal remedies have been around for thousands of years. In fact, some evidence suggests that plants were used for medicinal purposes over 60,000 years ago. The earliest written evidence dates back to over 5,000…


April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge Letter H

April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge Letter H ~ Homestead, Herbs, Health, Harmony, Homemaking Homestead, Herbs, Health, Harmony, Homemaking These words all go together and are important in my life. On Harmony Homestead I am trying to increase my knowledge about herbs and their uses. My goals for the last few years have been…

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15 Tips To Minimize Summer Insect Annoyance

After a long hard winter, few things are more welcome than sunshine and warmth…at least until you get your first sunburn and itchy bug bites, right? 🙂 15 Innovative Approaches You Need To Know About Minimizing Summer Insect Annoyances There are many natural and earth friendly ways to minimize pests of the insect variety.  There…