Everyone Is Worthy Five Minute Friday
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday for a weekly writing prompt/linkup. We are given a prompt and free write about it for five minutes. This weeks prompt is people.
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I am linking up with Five Minute Friday for a weekly writing prompt/linkup. We are given a prompt and free write about it for five minutes. This weeks prompt is people.
Compromise I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. At Five Minute Friday we get a word prompt and do a five minute free write. This week’s FMF writing prompt is: compromise.
What Is It Worth To Me? I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. We are given a word prompt and the challenge is to free write for five minutes. This weeks word prompt is worth. https://fiveminutefriday.com/2020/06/18/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-worth/ What is it worth is a question I ponder often. Decluttering I come across objects and wonder…
FMF Writing Prompt Linkup How I am linking up at Five Minute Friday. The writing prompt this week is How. The goal is to set a timer and free write for five minutes using the word prompt provided.
MAY MADNESS IBD Day is today May 19th. . It is a day to spread awareness about Inflammatory Bowel Disease. A newer type of colitis that I learned about last year when I was diagnosed was Microscopic Colitis. The doctors say that this was likely triggered by use of OTC NSAID’s for pain control. It…
FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Normal NORMAL What is normal? I was told it is just a setting on the dryer. During this pandemic I am hearing a lot of comments like ” I just want things to get back to normal”.
Another. I am not going to let another week go by that I miss out on completing a post for Five Minute Friday. This week is another week of staying home during our states stay at home mandate. It seems to be the perfect time to stay home since my car decided it…
“This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more” A to Z challenge 2020 Letter F
“This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more” Welcome to this weeks 5 Minute Friday This week’s writing prompt is: TALENT I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. https://fiveminutefriday.com/2020/02/06/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-talent/ We set a timer for five minutes and…
I am joining up with Five Minute Friday. This weeks writing prompt is sacrifice.