Be You Be Kind
I am linking up at FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Know – Five Minute Friday Know More Do More Be More Most of all Be You and Be Kind!! I definitely am not a know it all. I love to learn though so am always looking to…
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I am linking up at FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Know – Five Minute Friday Know More Do More Be More Most of all Be You and Be Kind!! I definitely am not a know it all. I love to learn though so am always looking to…
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click through a link and purchase through my website. FAST FAST and Feverish Fierce Fatigue Seeking Serenity and Harmony has been the story of my life, It…
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. The instructions are ” Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write. ” This week’s FMF writing prompt is: PEACE Timer Start: …
Successfully Complete Q4 of 2021 with Less Stress How I am going to successfully complete Q4 of 2021 with less stress. I am joining up with Five Minute Friday for a linkup. We are given a word prompt and spend five minutes writing until the timer goes off. The word this week is…
Take Time To Be Quiet: Sanity Saver After writing this and typing “Take Time To Be Quiet” into a search engine that it is actually a quote credited to Zig Ziglar I am linking up at a weekly writing prompt link-up here at Five Minute Friday. We are given a prompt and we free write…
Remedy is the word of this week. I am linking up at Five Minute Friday Remedy is something I give a lot of thought to when I think about my own body and chronic health conditions. I am always trying to educate myself on how best to remedy the situation. How to undo…
April 2021 Blogging A to Z Challenge I missed out on the sign ups for The April 2021 A-Z Blogging Challenge. I still plan to challenge myself to do the postings anyway. If you want to know what the A-Z blogging challenge is…
Savoring Five Minutes Friday I am joining up for a weekly Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up. Over at Five Minute Friday each week we are given a word prompt and free write for five minutes using that prompt. This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SAVOR First lets define the meaning of the word savor….
I am linking up at Five Minute Friday During five minute Friday we are given a word prompt and write for 5 minutes. This weeks Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt is ENABLE Enable Help and Hope I actually wrote a blurb about the word Enable during my attempt at the Write28Days challenge. “hopefully I can…
I am linking up with FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Once – Five Minute Friday Once Five minute Friday is a linkup where we are given a writing prompt. We spend 5 minutes with the timer on and free write. Once, Upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Laurie. Her Mom…