
Reflections on the 2024 April A to Z Blogging Challenge

 My Reflections on the 2024 April A to Z Blogging Challenge The first of the reflection questions was ‘Did you win?”  Personally I have a hard time calling myself a winner. But if winning is based on completing all 26 letters of the alphabet in the month of April than YES!!!! I DID IT!!! WOOOHOO!!…

November Pinterest Challenge: Super Moist 2 Ingredient Chocolate Cake

November Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop I am joining up for the first time at the Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop. “If you aren’t familiar with the the Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, it’s a hop to help motivate all the participants (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!” I tried pin  “Super…

Seeking Serenity and Harmony: Joining The Declutter Your Scariest Space Challenge

Declutterring is Scary One day not long ago I was cleaning out my hard drive and organizing things into the appropriate file folders. I came across a letter I had written to myself about the serenity and harmony that I have found and want more of.  This I assume is from an exercise in one…