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Mental Health Matters December 2019 Holidays

Mental Health Matters First off to my faithful readers I have to apologize that in the last month I’ve been quite forgetful and scattered with my posting. Please forgive me and stick around as I try to get my act together. Thanks for reading. Also because I tend to be over apologetic and say I’m…

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September Linkup With A Chronic Voice 2019

September 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup Image Credit AChronicVoice.com I am joining up with a chronic voice September linkup. The Prompts for the Month are FINDING,RESEARCHING,DATING,REUSING,RECOUNTING Read more participants link up posts here https://www.achronicvoice.com/2019/08/25/september-2019-linkup/ Last weeks Five Minute Friday word prompt was Pace and I did not get the post written in time. I haven’t…


Read A Good Book Lately? My 20 Books of Summer and More

20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge Update I did complete my reading challenge on Goodreads and the 20 Books of Summer. In addition to that I also had opportunity to read a few books to review. One was Amy Oestreicher’s  My Beautiful Detour and one was by Melissa R. Cassidy  Coming Home: Leaving Busy To…