
20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge 2019

I heard about a summer reading challenge via @Teaandcakeforthesoul. I have more than 20 books in my unread eBooks and bookshelf. So this was the motivation for me to look through the books and pick the top 20 that I want to read and join the challenge.

One of my goals this year was to make time to read and now that I finally have my new glasses I can do that!

Here is my list of books I have marked ‘want to read‘ on Goodreads. I currently am using Kindle Unlimited and have borrowed a few books from there to read first.  You can get a free months trial of Kindle Unlimited by clicking here.

My 20 Books of Summer

Here is my list of 20 Books that I plan to read from June through August.

1)Make Pain Your Bitch by Cynthia Covert The Disabled Diva (Kindle)

2)Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis (Kindle)

3)The Handmaids Tale (Kindle)~ Read

4)How to Speak Chicken (Kindle) ~ Read


5)Spilled Milk (Kindle) ~ Read

6)A Year of Positive Thinking (Kindle)~ Read

7)Essential Spices and Herbs (Kindle)~ Read


8)The Joy of Jesus by Doreen Virtue (Kindle)~ Read

9)Manage Your Day to Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus & Sharpen Your Creative Mind  I can read or  listen on either Kindle and Audible.~ Read

10)Maid by Stephanie Land (Kindle)

11)Chicken Culprit by Vikki Walton (Kindle)

12)The Essential Habits of Six Figure Bloggers (Kindle)

13) The Courage to Be Creative: How to Believe in Yourself, Your Dreams and Ideas, and your Creative Career Path by  Doreen Virtue (Audible)~ Read

14) The 3-Day Effect  by Florence Williams (Audible)

15)The Mystery of Alice by Lee Bacon (Audible)

16) The Girls of Mischief Bay by Susan Mallory

17)A Dogs Way Home By W. Bruce Cameron

18)Dog Tripping by David Rosenfelt

19)There’s Always A Catch by Stephanie Taylor

20)Amy Poehler’s Yes Please

and a bonus The Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins

GIVEAWAY: For The Road To Forever

You've Gotta Read This

GoodReads Annual Reading Challenge

I am participating in the Goodreads 2019 annual reading challenge. Here is my Year in Books 2018 on Goodreads. 2017  Year in Books Reading Challenge.  Also 2016, 2014  &  2013. I apparently didn’t participate in the challenge in 2015. That must be because that was my senior year of college at age 51 and I was busy reading textbooks.


Believe you can and you will

In addition to the books listed I will be reading a lot of eBooks from The Ultimate Bundles Herbs And Essential Oils Super Bundle. What's inside Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle plus cheatsheets



What About You?

Are you participating in any reading challenges? It is not too late to join in the 20 Books of Summer or the Goodreads Annual Reading challenge. If you wish you had more time to read. Take some time for you and sit down with a book. Or listen to a book on the go on Audible or another audible book source. You can get a free trial of Audible by clicking here.

Seeking Serenity and harmony Book & Music Corner

Head over to 746 books and check out all of the summer reading lists by the challenge participants.

A few other posts about books I’ve read can be found here




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  1. I love reading! I use to read alot before but now not enough time. I’ve heard so much about the handmaids’ tale, would def bought it soon!

    1. I love reading too. I wish I had more time to read. The books I got checked off were during our annual week camping vacation and when laid up from illness. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Wow, reading 20 books in a few months is really admiring. I’m assuming they’re short books but it’s a lot of books anyway. Happy reading! Tell us how it went 🙂

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