From Summer to School Time 5 Top Tips

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Edited 2020  To say School time may be looking very different for a lot of folks this year. Schooling 2020 – 2021 Year   What’s Your Plan? Resources What are your plans? What are your top tips for those trying to decide or trying to prepare their child for the transitions ahead?

[ picture of a school book }
Back to School 2019
[bctt tweet=”Unknown “Sometimes we’re all too quick to count down the days that we forget to make the days count.”” username=”@harmony2001″]

Planning for Back to School time

I don’t know about how it is going for you, but it seems summer has gone by in the blink of an eye. The other day I received reminders that it’s time for back to school prep.

In a previous post earlier in the month I said “My summer so far has involved a lot of planning. Planning our vacation, planning my twins 17th birthday. Scheduling and planning doctor appointments.”    The other day I received two thick packets in the mail and now it is time to plan for back to school for two seniors.

#BacktoSchool means textbooks, backpacks & new clothes.


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[ picture of school supplies]

[picture of school building]

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  1. Great tips here!
    Personally, I find it helpful to keep my kiddos on the same bedtime and mealtime schedule regardless of if it’s the school year or not. This makes transitions much easier!

    1. That is true. I find it differs depending on the age/stage my kids are at. I have 4 now grown children (well I guess not children any more LOL) and twin 17 year olds at home. My oldest has 3 children. The kids schedule stays the same with a little bit of a later bedtime which gets rolled back well before school starts to get them off summer time.

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