

I am linking up with Five Minute Friday We are to free write for five minutes unedited on the word prompt. This weeks word prompt is REWIND.

Start Timer:

I remember good old fashioned cassette tapes. I loved it when cd’s came on seen and you didn’t have to try so hard to rewind to the last song. Or have the cassette completely come unwound.

Photo Credit: Austrian-national-library-via-unsplash

Sometimes life feels like a compact disc and runs semi smooth and other times it is like a tangled and broken cassette tape. The question is what do we (or I ) do in those times? How to handle it in a more positive way than I did in the past.

There are days I wish I could rewind time and go back to when my oldest kids were little and start all over again. You see I didn’t end up being the mom I’d always dreamed I’d be. I was a mom who had mental health issues of chronic depression and PTSD. I wasn’t as ‘there’ for my kids as I wanted to be. Especially when the depression was at its worst, especially when I was hospitalized and they had to stay with friends and family. I wish I could give my kids those things I wanted to give them when I dreamed of being a mother. I wish I had broken the cycle earlier. But life is not like a cassette or a cd rom, we can NOT rewind time. We can only trust and have faith…..

End timer:

Parenting with mental illness

It will be August before you know it! What are you looking forward to in the coming month? #August #BacktoSchool #AugustVibes

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