2019 Reading Challenges and Book Lists

Summer Reading


Hi. Can you believe how fast August is already flying by?  I posted awhile ago about the summer reading challenge I was doing.  I thought I should post an update. At this time I have read all of the books on the list except for two. I still have to read Yes Please and Girl On The Train.


Literacy Musings Monday Linkup

I did also read some other things that were not on my list. I was allowed to preview Amy Oestreicher’s  My Beautiful Journey :An Unthinkable Journey From Gutless to Grateful  I will be doing a separate post in the near future with my review.  If you are interested in more about what this book is here is a tidbit of information about Amy and her book.

“My Beautiful Detour: An Unthinkable Journey from Gutless to Grateful” is available on Amazon, as well as other major online stores, as a paperback or iBooks, Kindle, nook, and other retailers with the ISBN 9781733138802.”


Check out the summary at ​www.amyoes.com/mbd​  or watch her Ted talk at​Www.amyoes.com/tedx 


I haven’t yet read anything on this list but they look like good books  https://sherreymeyer.com/summer-reading/

and her follow up post


Farm Fresh

Another great post for recommended reads is

9 Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List (with a wide variety to fit all personality types)

I have read and enjoyed both Girl Stop Apologizing Rachel Hollis and Firefly Lane Kristin Hannah. Rachel Hollis book is thought provoking and worth the read. Kristin Hannah’s book was a great summer read.

I just joined a book club with a few friends and we are beginning Girls Of The City.  Reading is the one thing I do for myself.  It is also a way I pass the time when I am having a health flare up and am laid up. I am glad to be able to utilize that distraction from the pain.

When my vision was acting up I was able to enjoy reading still via audible and audio books. Budgets are tight for many people so there is one place you can always get free reads/listens and that is your local library. My teens have been asking when we are going to go back to the library and that makes my heart happy.

Have you read anything good lately? Anything that you read that wasn’t worth the time? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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  1. Yay, I’m a librarian and I love to see support for libraries! The last book I finished (I have a bad habit of reading so many at one time, oops!) was Furious Hours by Casey Cep, which was… okay. It wasn’t bad or anything, but I didn’t love it (read it for a book club). I’m just starting Lock Every Door by Riley Sager for my monthly read on my blog, so we’ll see how it goes! I’ve heard so much about Girl on the Train but I haven’t read it! I haven’t even seen the movie yet, ha.

  2. I’ve been leading my first-ever book club this summer around Sensible Shoes. What a great experience! Don’t you find that discussing a book with friends in a relaxed setting heightens your appreciation of the book?

  3. I’m reading 8 weeks to Optimum Health…my sister recommended the book when I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic this summer. I’m enjoying it and trying to follow most of the recommendations. The author also includes activities for improving mental health and it has been very inspiring.

    I am hoping to read some books just for fun this fall. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing on Farm Fresh Tuesdays!

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