2+ Ways to Buy Less and Make More : Producer or Consumer

A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned

As I was cleaning out my ‘saved’ articles from Facebook I came across this link. This gave me food for thought. Can I be more of a producer than consumer? Can I cut down on wasteful spending through some of these ideas?

A penny saved is a penny earned is a saying I heard often used. I already do some of these things. I don’t consider myself a prepper or necessarily organic but I like this way of thinking that The Organic Prepper has shared.

Thinking about Doing  It Yourself

How about you, Do you use some of these skills that they mention? Do you repair or grow things yourself or do you have to depend on someone else? I am going to try to be more conscious this coming year to be more self sufficient in our home and produce more than I did last year.

How about you? Did this give you ideas of things you can make yourself or the desire to learn a new skill?

Finding The Time

There is so much in this article by Homespun Seasonal Living that I really could relate to. I want a simpler life. I want to be more creative and make more and buy less. Finding the balance because as much as I’d like to be juggling it all without dropping any balls it just doesn’t happen that way.

One way I am finding is that bartering with others is a great way to have the simpler life. Buying homemade laundry detergent from another mother when I was running low on supply and don’t have time to make more.

More great resources about Spending less and making more…
Mother Earth News : Homesteading and Self Reliance
This article lists 65 ways you can be self reliant on your homestead and make money by doing it.


Early in January I came across this article by Tannehill Homestead.
We did some of the things on this list this winter. However I didn’t get as many of them checked off as I wanted to. I am not going to complain about winter being over though.Winter may be over but I am still trying to get some of the things checked off the list in the article.

Today I made some DIY pet and people care products.I kept busy over the winter trying to catch up on projects I wanted to get done. I didn’t get through the whole list but I did try DIY home made Kombucha and my next thing is to attempt a Gluten Free Dairy Free sourdough bread starter.


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    1. I am still too much of a consumer but I am trying to change. Making my own stuff gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Thank you for stopping by.

  1. I definitely depend on others. If we didn’t move around a lot I would totally want to grow my own stuff—be a producer ♥️

    1. Yeah moving around a lot would make it very hard. This year we are trying some indoor gardening and maybe we can have some indoor lettuce this winter. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Great post. I think we’re a bit of both here – producer and consumer. (Actually, my husband is the producer part) We try to cut costs as often as we can, through both necessity and choice. Please share how you get on with that Gluten free sourdough starter. I have coeliac, so will be really interested in that.

    1. Hi, Yes I still am both. I am trying to improve and do more producing. It feels good to me to do more from scratch. I will be posting about the gluten free sourdough starter soon. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    1. It is still a work in progress for me but I am enjoying learning to make things from scratch. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

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