Five Minutes Friday: Peace, Serenity and Harmony
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. The instructions are ” Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write. ”
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: PEACE
Timer Start:
Peace: the first thing that pops into my mind is the phrase “Peace that passeth undersrtanding”
I figure if I write five minutes and don’t edit this is apt to be all over the place. My brain does not understand the concept of ‘peace and quiet’. I am like a computer with too many tabs open and bordering on frying the mother board. I am sure that is a pretty common feeling for a lot of mothers.
I’ve had a bit of clarity this week. To bring more peace I need to stop trying to please everyone and trying to mold myself to make everyone like me. I need to focus on my priorities. God gave me life and it is my job to take care of this body and mind by putting on my oxygen mask before trying to be all and do all.
I next need to put my family before everything and everyone else. God blessed me with this family and it is my job to let them know they are valued and loved and not always put them 2nd or 9th on my to do list.
I do need to find some more quiet peaceful time to listen for Gods voice in his plans for my life instead of heading off on to whatever I think is supposed to be my next great adventure.
Timer Stop:
Ever had one of those weeks,? Me too! Hooray for Friday! TGIF. I love family time and look forward to it all week.
Searching my old posts I wrote this on Feb 20 of 2021 “Pebruary 20: Peaceable I really really would like to see a LOT more of this in the world. Refer to the word Unity. I want to see us all more united and working along peacefully. I want a more peaceable world for the future.”
The other day this verse popped up in my email from a homesteader that I follow and I made it my desktop image. The image has cute little sheep and says
[bctt tweet=””Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. “~Philippians 4:6-7″ username=”harmony2001”]
I have read several of the link up posts already and here are some I recommend you read
The above posts resonated with me so much I had to share them.
I was very excited last Friday to see that my post Write 28 days had gotten mentioned on Traffic Jam Weekend.
At the moment our bunny Java is being rushed to the emergency vet by my daughter and husband. If you are reading this could you offer up prayer for dear Java. Plus safe travels in this snow storm.
Do you want to utilize Pinterest to gain more traffic, but you’re not sure how to do it? Nadalie Bardo is presenting a free webinar called The Simplest Way to Get Loads of Traffic from Pinterest in 2022 where you will learn how to use Pinterest while avoiding all the common mistakes. Register for the free webinar The two webinars with Nadalie Bardo will be on Monday, February 28th at 7p ET and Tuesday, March 1st at 1p ET. here:
Thanks for recommending my blog post, I appreciate it! We all need this, “I do need to find some more quiet peaceful time to listen for Gods voice.” I find listening to Audio Bibles also helps.
Thank you for sharing this
“To bring more peace I need to stop trying to please everyone and trying to mold myself to make everyone like me.”
I was just thinking this week about how peace comes when we know who God made us each to be and we can live with confidence.
“I’ve had a bit of clarity this week. To bring more peace I need to stop trying to please everyone and trying to mold myself to make everyone like me.” That’s so true! I’m on a similar journey of revelation on these things. I recently wrote a poem about it, to help my mind understand what it is the Lord is trying to show me.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
What a great post, thanks for sharing! I love the quote about family, which is so true.
There’s a silver lining in everything, even with this inflation happening; I think folks will focus more on what’s important.
I never stop reading! thanks for sharing
the purpose!
It’s taken me my 54 years to understand how much peace is in scripture and in God. I don’t have to worry or panic. I don’t have to be anxious about anything. It is like a 12 step program. You have to work “it”. Daily time in scripture and prayer helps me grounded and focus. When you think about it, we deserve to have peace and harmony in our lives. I think we are created to be in peace.
thank you for sharing
Thanks for the great post.