
July 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup.

  July Prompts: Planning, Justifying ,Starting, Analyzing & Concluding  My summer so far has involved a lot of planning. Planning our vacation, planning my twins 17th birthday. Scheduling and planning doctor appointments.  Justifying to myself that it is okay to let the housework slide while I try to get my health issues under control. I…

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10 Chronic Illness Posts I Recommend Reading Today

Recommended Reading In the last few months I found there was a very supportive group of bloggers who deal with chronic illness on a daily basis. Since becoming a part of that group I have  felt more cared for and understood than every before. If you too are struggling I have listed here some great…

My 5 Must Have Natural Remedies in Chronic Pain Relief

My 5 Must Have Natural Remedies in Chronic Pain Relief

As an amazon associate, this post has links that I may earn a small commission if you purchase after clicking through these links. Thank you. My 5 Must-Have Natural Remedies in Chronic Pain Relief With severe arthritis, I am almost always in pain. I now have microscopic colitis so can not take NSAID’s for pain…

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Be A Voice For The Animals and Children 5 Simple ways to Advocate

Why You and I Must Be A Voice For The Animals and Children Hello again. Recently I posted about the scary statistics of mental health issues in our youth. Today my inbox seems flooded with reasons why we must also be an advocate for the animals. I mean both those we consider pets and those that…

June Linkup with A Chronic Voice: The Mystery Continues
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June Linkup with A Chronic Voice: The Mystery Continues

Repeating, Wondering, Turning, Getting, Desiring:June Linkup with A Chronic Voice These prompts all jump out at me as feelings around my current struggle with my health. I have been in the E.R. twice in the last 5 days. I was told I was a “medical mystery”.  The first E.R. visit they said I was likely…