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Five Minute Friday: Last

Five Minute Friday: Last I missed Five Minute Friday’s Linkup  on Oct 24, 2019 for the prompt Wait This week I am determined to get my five minutes and write about the prompt Last before it is too late. https://fiveminutefriday.com/2019/10/31/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-last/ The last week of October  I had my hopefully LAST surgery of this year. In…

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Saving your sanity when recovery requires restricted activity level 10 tips

Saving your sanity when recovery requires restricted activity level This last week I have not been able to be up and around much due to some illness that remains a mystery.  During the time my body is demanding I rest I was reminded of prior times of being frustrated at being laid up. Then I…

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My Spiritual Journey: Mothering and Meditation

Welcome to My Spiritual Journey: Mothering and Meditation My Spiritual Journey:  Today I looked back through some old blog posts. About six years ago, when my youngest daughter was new-born, I experienced a bout of mild depression. It was not clinically diagnosed: I visited a doctor who informed me that I did not need treatment…

Treats No Tricks Unless They are Dog Tricks

Treats No Tricks Unless They are Dog Tricks

11 days until Halloween. What is your favorite Halloween treat? Leave your answer in the comments. Treats for You     Over on my main blog https://seekingserenityandharmony.com I am doing a giveaway of a 5.00 Amazon Gift Card.  Other Giveaways: enjoy-these-treats/ ends 10/27 Eyewear ends 11/5  Paypal Cash Giveaway Coming soon some book giveaways from…


Poultry Land: Harmony Hen House’s Backyard Chickens

Seeking Serenity and Harmony in the Hen House Our Chicken Adventure started Spring of 2012.Reggie the Rooster and Regina pictured below. Our next two chickens were White Rocks named Water and Melon. Meet Snowball the first  hen  to   ever  give  me  an  egg. My First Hatching Experience Diary April 8th 2016 there is now a…

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Featuring~ Diffusing the Tension: 7 Difficult Facts About Anxiety

Welcome, I had asked fellow bloggers to help me out with posts while I am recovering from surgeries. Jen at Diffusing the Tension was one of the first to reply.   Jen is a mental health advocate whose blog Focuses on awareness of mental health issues. She also has another interesting page called True Crime I…