
Poultry Land: Harmony Hen House’s Backyard Chickens

Seeking Serenity and Harmony in the Hen House Our Chicken Adventure started Spring of 2012.Reggie the Rooster and Regina pictured below. Our next two chickens were White Rocks named Water and Melon. Meet Snowball the first  hen  to   ever  give  me  an  egg. My First Hatching Experience Diary April 8th 2016 there is now a…

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Featuring~ Diffusing the Tension: 7 Difficult Facts About Anxiety

Welcome, I had asked fellow bloggers to help me out with posts while I am recovering from surgeries. Jen at Diffusing the Tension was one of the first to reply.   Jen is a mental health advocate whose blog Focuses on awareness of mental health issues. She also has another interesting page called True Crime I…

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Featured Guest Post: Living With Lyme Disease The Truth 2019

    Check out this post by Chronically Imperfect about being burdened by an invisible illness.                   Living With Lyme Disease When I reached out for other bloggers to help out with posts while I am recovering from surgeries. I had a great response. Here is the…

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Choosing A Dog 3 ways to Help Rescue Dogs

          Choosing A Dog & How to Help Rescue Dogs [bctt tweet=”Have you thought about how to find the right dog for you? Well I am gonna tell you tips on how to be sure you choose your match.” username=”harmony2001″] Choosing a dog First you should research breeds that will fit…