Wordless Wednesday~ April Fools 2020
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currently I’m joining in on April 1, with Anne In Residence. where I’ll be talking about what I’m currently
How to Advocate for the animals “Things We Can Do to Help Animals in Need” There are many ways we can help animals. This includes animals in the wild as well as those types we’d consider as pets. In this article, I am going to focus on how to help animals we would consider as…
Thinking Spring 2020 I am linking up with A Chronic Voice monthly link up party. It has been awhile since I have been able to write a post and link up over there. Looking back I see, I did happen to link up in January with this post: 2020 I Am. The writing prompts for…
I am linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Image in ing
I woke from a long nap to see… Short Story Grammys Grid Linkup I am linking up at Grammys Grid short story prompt party. The March Prompt is “I woke from a long nap to see…”. I woke from a long nap to see a giant octopus…
Currently I am linking up with Anne In Residence. fixing, A pile of clothes that need mending has seemed to multiply. I’m also fixing to spend some time working out a new schedule so I am not forgetting and falling behind on things. I am currently hearing, The wind howling and the dogs barking at…
“This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more” Welcome to this weeks 5 Minute Friday This week’s writing prompt is: TALENT I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. https://fiveminutefriday.com/2020/02/06/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-talent/ We set a timer for five minutes and…
Wordless Wednesday I am linking up with https://wordlesswednesday.blogspot.com/ and https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/ Recent posts : Giveaways Valentines Day Gift Guide 2020: Traffic Jam Weekend Link Up Part
Currently Loving Linking up with @anne in residence for Feb 5th Currently Loving~ I am loving the bit of time I am taking for self care and escaping into reading. I finished “Love Lettering”. I am reading some Cozy Mysteries currently A Cop and A Coop. Here is more about my reading….