You Make Me Smile. Smiling Through The Days
Smile Every time this song comes on it makes my mind boosted. It reminds me of how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Uncle Kracker ‘s Happy Song
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Smile Every time this song comes on it makes my mind boosted. It reminds me of how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Uncle Kracker ‘s Happy Song
I am linking up with Create With Joy for Inspire Me Monday. Like my Convert Kit T shirt says Create Every Day! 🙂
WELCOME TO TRAFFIC JAM WEEKEND LINKY PARTY #243 Show us your old posts and more on Traffic Jam Weekend! Come on in to link up, share, and learn something with us. #trafficjamweekend
Wordless Wednesday : The Calm Before The Storm July 2020
July Chronic Voice Linkup
Random Ramblings on Harmony Homestead
I am linking up with Anne in Residence for her July Currently linkup. The prompts this month are Cooking, Photographing, Sharing, Trying, Wondering
I was happy to be able to read and review a copy of Dancing in the Narrows: A Mother-Daughter Odyssey Through Chronic Illness  by Anna Penenberg
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday for a weekly writing prompt/linkup. We are given a prompt and free write about it for five minutes. This weeks prompt is people.
Compromise I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. At Five Minute Friday we get a word prompt and do a five minute free write. This week’s FMF writing prompt is: compromise.