15 Minute Formula Program and Book by A Purpose Driven Mom

15 Minute Formula Program and Book by A Purpose Driven Mom I am thrilled to be on the launch team for the 15 Minute Formula book. Cara Harvey founder of A Purpose Driven Mom and the 15 minute formula program is someone I highly recommend. Have you seen my friend Cara’s new book? It’s AMAZING…

Crafts 4 Rescues Customized Dog Ear Sticker Review 

Photo Credit Sunflower Paws Photography                  Crafts 4 Rescues Customized Dog Ear Sticker Review  Photo Credit Sunflower Paws Photography I’ve previously written about Crafts 4 Rescues, If you’d like to read those earlier posts, I have attached them to the bottom of this post. Original photo of item by me…

Currently October Linking Up With Anne In Residence Exp 13th

Currently October Linking Up With Anne In Residence   Currently October borrowing:  I have been borrowing books from my local library and Kindle Unlimited.    buying: I don’t know about you but I am having  a hard time shopping. It seems like things have gotten so expensive in the last 18 months.  I did buy…

Need: Help Stop the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness!

Sunday 10/10 is World Mental Health Day Need: Help Stop the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness! If you’ve known me awhile you probably know I started struggling with chronic depression as a youth. As a young newly single mother of 4 my untreated depression only flourished as I sank. Years later I wish I had not…