
Middle : 5 Minute Friday

This weeks prompt is Middle. For Five Minute Friday linkups we get a word prompt and set a timer for 5 minutes. We write for five minutes unedited. You can read more about how to participate here. 

Image: Rainbow in the middle of the floor

Brain Dump

Middle of the road, Mid life, Middle of the pie, Sitting in the middle of the mess, My jelly belly middle, Middle of the ocean, Middle of the day.. Middle of a good book.

Don’t look behind you or look ahead of you look at the middle, the now, today. Live your life to the fullest. Don’t let regrets of yesterday or hopes of tomorrow make you miss the joy of today.

Define Middle:R·eference Source : Powered by Oxford Dictionaries 

ADJECTIVE~ at an equal distance from the extremities of something; central.

NOUN~ the point or position at an equal distance from the sides, edges, or ends of something.

Winter day,
Birch tree bent in the winter from the weight of the snow
I am in the middle of a bout of brain fog so this weeks five minute Friday has more pictures and less words.  The graphic below shows a woman and dog sitting on the mountain in the middle of the photo with foggy mountains and sky in the distance.

Join the linkup at Five Minute Friday


Previous 5 Minute Friday Posts here (distant)





I love these scenic pictures of our earth. Mountains, sky, gorgeous sunsets and sunrises. In the middle of this let us remember to care for this earth we live on.

I’m Linking up at Pin Junkie Link Party

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