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Mental Health Awareness: Not Just 1 Day

mental health awarenessMental Health Awareness

I want to be an advocate and support others but lately I’m struggling to get through a normal day.

I wrote a quick post on Ko-Fi this morning: Not Just World Mental Health Day.  I am having a hard time because I feel I’m not doing enough or making too many mistakes. I am seeing my numbers dropping. It concerns me though some big bloggers say don’t obsess about the numbers.My personality tends to be able to take this stuff to personally and think I am doing something wrong.

My wanting everyone to like me (unrealistic I know)What would you like to see more of here? Less of? Topics I haven’t posted that you would like to see? I look around and I see these great blog posts by others. I see other bloggers with tons of followers and wonder what I am doing wrong. I want to be an advocate and help spread mental health awareness and chronic illness.

The problem is I am taking it too personally I think. I am struggling right now with some chronic illness stuff, some mental health stuff and of course unexpected financial issues. Fighting off the deep dark devil of depression.

But for today I am going to get dressed, drive to the outing with the kids school and make the best of today. I need to enjoy today and the present not obsess over yesterday or worry about tomorrow.

Enjoy your Friday!!



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  1. It is okay to not be okay! But reach out when you need to so that you can slowly get better, like you said enjoy the present and take it one day at a time. Believe that you are enough and don’t compare yourself to other people or bloggers, we are all unique and that is the way it should be.

    My husband has suffered from PTSD, Depression and anxiety for the past 18years and though it was hard to live with at times he finally reached out and got the help that he needed and I am happy to say that he is doing much better these days, he has more good days than bad days now and our relationship is flourishing again 🙂
    My only brother wasn’t so lucky, he never reached out and he lost his battle with depression to suicide 21 years ago and my family has never been the same since as it has left such devastation.

  2. Sometimes all you need to know is you are doing the best you can. Easier said than done, but we can’t compare ourselves to others, we are unique in our own right! One step, One day at a time!

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