Just Fake it Until You Make It

I’m linking up at Five Minute Friday. Our word prompt today is Make.
Setting my timer for five minutes…
I want to make a difference. I need to stop letting my negative self worth holding me back from follow through. I’m not exactly sure HOW I can make a difference but I have almost a full 60 years of experiences and somewhere in that encyclopedia (remember those?) there has to be some chapters to help someone else in their journey.
I want to help adults but I feel drawn to helping children as I feel the earlier we get them the supports and help they need it will have a big impact. I’m not a fan of ‘labels’ but having heard adults getting their ADHD diagnosis as an adult and how relieved it made them to finally have an answer and get help that actually helps and doesn’t just mask symptoms.
Well, I’d like to see kids getting more help at a younger age to prevent future problems. Knowing how long I put off getting effective treatment for my mental health only worsened the problems. I don’t want to see others have to go through that.
Back to me helping and making an impact. I am trying to figure out how to do that. Started with a blog. I keep being told I need to write books. But that ole self esteem thing….
and STOP.
Just Fake it Until You Make It
According to Huff Post fake it until you make it does have some benefits.