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Are You Working on Health Goals in 2019? Join Me

Don’t give up on your health goals for 2019

Every year I make goals to lose weight or do this or that. This year my biggest goal is to improve my health. With autoimmune diseases stacking up on top of my weight struggle it is time to walk the walk.  I need to stop talking about doing it and actually start doing the work.

Some previous posts where I have discussed my health goals for this year are here.



I have found multiple sources of places to get inspiration and encouragement.

One of these is the Healthy Living Bundle by Ultimate Bundles. It is just one of my tools in my tool belt but it is worth it.

I also am signing up for a Tai Chi class for the next few months. It will be a nice change from the exercises I’ve been doing through Physical Therapy. I took this same Tai Chi class last fall and am hoping to do even better with it this fall. Most of all I am looking forward to having a bit of a social life outside of the screen and with folks who might understand the difficulties of exercising with chronic pain.

This particular Tai Chi class is for fall prevention and people with arthritis.  Most of us within the chronic illness community know how hard it is to make friends outside that circle. It is hard for people to understand when we have a health flare causing frequent cancellations of plans.

I am really hoping I don’t have flare ups interrupting my class this fall like it did last year.  I want to get as much out of it as I can.  I really do want to get healthier and do not want to stay or be victim to my illness’s.

Health Goals

[bctt tweet=”Ultimate Bundles Healthy Living Bundle. (affiliate links included in post) Price: $37 for the full bundle. Value: 93 products worth $3,236.39  It is only continuing through Monday, September 9th @ 11:59pm E.T. https://ultimatebundles.com/sale/uhlb2019-main?a_aid=5c7eeb3d988a2&a_bid=18a928db” username=”harmony2001″]

Ultimate Bundles and My Health Goals

I am loving all of the information I am finding in my Ultimate Bundles Healthy Living Bundle. (affiliate links included in post) I certainly won’t be bored while I work on my health goals.

Health Goals Image says Live A Better Healthier Life On Your Own Terms
You deserve a healthy life

Right now I am working my way through a course on sleep and also one on gut healing. The next one I will be taking is one by Cara Harvey of A Purpose Driven Mom that is included in the bundle. It is called 4 week Healthy Living Transition Plan. I took her 15 minute formula course and it has made a big difference in my time management and more.

One of the things I have learned by going through Cara’s courses is how to break things down into more manageable pieces. Say instead of trying to change several habits at once 1) drinking adequate water 2)cutting sugar 3)more movement 4)gut healing diet plan 5) chronic pain management etc..   I focus on one change for a week. Then when I have mastered that I add on the next healthy habit change.  It makes it a lot less overwhelming and much easier to stay committed and not give up in defeat.

With chronic pain or illness whether mental or physical taking the best care of our health that we can is important. Some of my health issues were brought on by my own bad habits. It is going to take a lot of time and hard work to undo the damage.  I am hoping that the two teenagers I have at home will learn to make healthier choices and not follow my history of bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. I need to make these changes for myself most of all but I hope that it trickles down to setting an example for my children and grandchildren. I want them to have the best health possible.

Back to the bundle. If you are interested in checking the bundle  out don’t wait too long. It is only continuing through Monday, September 9th @ 11:59pm E.T. Price: $37 for the full bundle

93 resources to make healthy living easier

Value: 93 products worth $3,236.39

Healthy Living Bundle Banner Image shows ebooks and courses available


Check it out here 



If you would like to sign up as an Ultimate Bundles Affiliate you can sign up here.



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