Happy Easter 2020 A to Z Challenge E

Letter E

                                     Happy Easter 2020

As part of my A to Z challenge I am using Easter as my letter E post.

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge


What a weird Easter it is with social distancing in place due to the pandemic.

I hope this finds you all doing well.


The kids had baskets and the littlest one hunted for eggs.

We had the tradition of bacon egg cups

We kept it simple.  The little one made glitter unicorn slime.

We threw a tiny ham in the crock pot and warmed up some canned veggies.

We went for a hike to get some senior pics of our daughter since the submission date snuck up on us.

I missed seeing my 3 adult sons, adult daughter and 3 grandkids. I miss seeing my mom. I miss hugging them all.  This social distancing can be depressing but we are trying to stay positive. It is for the best that we do this to keep from catching and spreading germs that could be fatal to some of our loved ones.

I have some Easter Egger chickens so I could have skipped the egg dying if I wanted.

But I didn’t. We used eggs from our white leghorns and the kids had fun.

Previous Easter Posts

Roundup of Easter Egg Dying Posts 2019

Happy Easter Day 2019 From Harmony Homestead


Whatever you did today I hope it was a happy healthy day for your family.


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  1. I’ve never heard of the a to z blogging challenge until reading your post. Is it like the letters of the alphabet for most days in a month or is it one letter per month? Other than that, your bacon egg cups looked mmm ????

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