FMF: Normal
FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Normal
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FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Normal
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Join Me On The Journey Your Journey to Health and Fitness
I wrote about not feeling normal too. I’m pretty sure normal is in the eye of the beholder don’t you? As I’ve gotten older it’s not nearly as important to me as it used to be! I sure hope we all hold on to some of the new normal we’ve found during this uncertain time. God bless, your #fmf neighbor, Cindy
Normal is a bullfight,
with its chance of goring;
normal may not live the night,
and normal is not boring.
Normal is a BASE-jump
without chute in reserve;
normal is a fist-pump,
then floor it 'round the curve.
Normal is a wee-hours walk
through places feared in day;
normal is a lion-stalk
with thornbush in the way,
when he can smell me, I can't run,
and normal needs be quick on gun.
#1at FMF this week