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Five Minute Friday: Last

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Last

I missed Five Minute Friday’s Linkup  on Oct 24, 2019 for the prompt Wait

This week I am determined to get my five minutes and write about the prompt Last before it is too late.


The last week of October  I had my hopefully LAST surgery of this year. In fact I told the doctors that with a surgery Nov 2017, March, April, Aug 2018 and 2 in Oct of 2019 that this last one was just that. The LAST.

My vision for 2020 is to have  a year with no surgeries and to walk the 4H 5K in Dec 2020.

And here I am now Thursday night writing this at the last minute so that I don’t miss another weeks linkup.

Live has been a bit crazy with health issues, recovering from surgery and in between surgeries God blessed us with our first foster child. A young preschooler who is bringing joy to me on the cloudy days. I am taking joy in seeing my twin teens treat her with tender loving care. Of course there is that normal stuff that goes along with a new child in the house.  Its an adjustment. But its all good. I know it won’t last.

I’ve had six kids. Four have flown the nest and two are in their senior year of high school. Don’t blink Mama’s. Time flys and so do those babies.

5 Five Minute Friday: Active

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  1. Time really does fly and this is such a good reminder of that! My babies are growing so fast, so I am soaking up the snuggles while I can!

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