
April A to Z 2020 ~ Finding Joy In Times of Struggle

April A to Z 2020 Letter J


Finding Joy In Times Of Struggle.

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I am participating in the April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge. This post is my post for the letter J.   In reflecting on what I could write about it came to me that I should write about finding joy during times of struggle.

Finding Joy in the struggle

I have struggled for a long time with chronic depression and often lived by a glass half empty instead of half full thinking.  Somewhere on this journey I finally learned that if I lived with a glass half full mentality it was much easier to deal with those negative things in my life.

During this time of global pandemic it is very easy to get buried under fear, anxiety and depression. It is easy to find things more difficult and not see the joy in our daily lives.

I Am an Advocate






There are days when it is really hard but it is important to try to see the positives in the rainy dark days.




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  1. We definitely need to find lots of joy at the moment! In some respects, lockdown is quite a humbling experience – I am certainly realising what I took for granted before this craziness, I don’t do anymore. It’s lovely to see communities coming together to help, help us all carry on and help get life back to as normal as it ever will be.
    Hope you are well this week – keep smiling! Sim x

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