FAST and Feverish Fierce Fatigue
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FAST and Feverish Fierce Fatigue
Seeking Serenity and Harmony has been the story of my life, It has been a long journey but I am finding my way!!
Get out of life in the fast lane and slow down and enjoy the ride!
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. The linkup works by being given a word prompt, then set a timer for five minutes and free write on that single word prompt . This weeks prompt is FAST.
Sitting and enjoying the view, taking a break from life in the fast lane. Image taken in April of 2017.
Timer Start:
I am actually writing this on Saturday. Yesterday was the last Friday in April. I can’t believe how fast the month of April went and we found ourselves at the end of April already. It seems like we just had Christmas and started a new year.
I try to do quarterly goals with Cara Harvey over at A Purpose Driven Mom. As April ended I realized a month of this quarter has already flown by without me knocking much off that goal list. Instead of letting myself go down that trail of beating myself up and being negative. I am going to acknowledge that I have been doing something. I have been keeping my head above water (barely) but taking care of my self and sanity is important if I want to continue to have something left to give others.
Today is a new day. I want to slow down and simplify my life. I am tired of running on an imaginary treadmill trying to be everything or do everything I think I ‘should be’ doing. I am going to stop “shoulding on myself”.
“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going to fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.”~ Eddie Cantor

Timer End….. Go over and check out some other posts on FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Fast – Five Minute Friday
Prov 4:4 “~ ‘[Then he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast my words;Keep my commandments and live”]
Previous Five Minute Friday Posts from Seeking Serenity and Harmony
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This book is on my wish list to add to the books in my kitchen on the homestead. This morning we had some fast fresh bunny in the hole eggs. What is your favorite fast egg recipe? Tell me in the comments.
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I need to get out of the fast lane too – spent too long on the ‘hamster wheel’
Just stopped by from FMF#24
I agree, we need to slow down at least enough to enjoy life as it goes by!
Visiting from FMF#22
Thank you so much for stopping by!!