
Fake Friends Farewell

Five minute Friday is a linkup where we are given a writing prompt. We spend 5 minutes with the timer on and free write.

As you can see I didn’t get very far with writing and the particular link up has ended.    It has been several months since I’ve really completed a blog post. I just sent out my first newsletter in months.  Life and depression kept me from being able to follow my passion which is writing. My other passion is reading. Of course my first passion is my family and friends.


I have had a few friends that have been in my life since childhood, Some have come and gone just due to distance or life changes. There are some though that have not been real friends. They’ve been what you call fake friends. This makes it all that much harder to trust that new friendships are going to last or are not going to end up being a mistake of me trusting someone else to be a true friend and not a fake friend only using to get what they want.

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  1. Great quote, “Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.” May you find some true friends this year, Laurie! ~Lisa, Visiting from Grammy’s Grid Unlimited – #12

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