Essential Oils and Herbs: 5 Recommended Readings

Do you use herbs or essential oils in your daily life? I am trying to incorporate them more into my life as much as I can.

I mentioned before I wanted to learn more about herbs and I have been working on that this summer. How has your summer been? I hope it has been good.  I have been immersing myself in learning more about herbal remedies. Finding more uses of my essential oils and practicing how to make herbal medicine. All of this is to focus on my number one goal for myself which is improving my health.

I am tired of letting illness control my life and now I am fighting back and taking control and as I journey along I want to share what I learn in hopes of helping someone else who is struggling.


Creating with Herbs

When trying out different recipes I had the most fun making the a calendula, comfrey, chamomile, lavender salve

salve made from herbs


Here is an other great resources on making salves

Prior to making the above salve I made paw balm for the dogs.


Re-growing Greens from Scraps

[bctt tweet=”Did you know you could regrow some greens in  your kitchen from veggie scraps? I have a lot of auto immune issues and am working on gut healing. I challenge myself to see how many greens I can regrow from scraps for myself and my daughters rabbit.” username=”harmony2001″]

Gut Health

Here is a great article on microbiomes and gut health

Dandelions & Weeds With Benefits


Not long ago I wrote about the benefits and uses of dandelions

Here is some more great information on dandelions and dandelion greens.


I have made a variety of hot and cold infusions over the last couple of months. I swear by my elderberry syrup and I am in love with lavender lemonade.

I am finding it amazing all of these things growing out in nature have so many benefits other than just looking pretty.

15 Medicinal Weeds You Can Forage in Your Backyard


Summer Annoyances and Pesky Insects


Summer pests 15 prevention tips   And also


Essential Oils

nail polish shelving holds Essential Oils perfectly


As you can see by this nail polish rack I got off Amazon filled with Young Living Essential Oils, I do love my oils.

Recently I ordered the DIY make and take kit to try out  myself before hosting a make and take.  The big hits were the room spray and the night time cream.  I opted to use a lot of calming blends in the recipes I tried.






Here are  some essential oil diffuser charms that my daughter and I made. There are some pretty purple and pink ones and there are some brown ones with paw prints. Some of the brown ones have a hint of a camo look to them. There are no two the same.



My Favorites

What is in my purse

Young Livings Deep Relief, Breathe Again, tranquil, RutaVala and a homemade Focus blend. A blend called Haystack that I got from a Henny and Roo subscription box.  A Intrigue roll on by Made On Skin Care.

I love Made On skin Cares hard lotion bars. My skin has improved so much since I started using them.

Made Pm Skin Care Hard Lotion Bars


(Sorry These have Ended) Freebie Alert

The New England Herbal academy opened up a free mini course that is only available for free sign ups until July 31st. If this is something that interests you. Go get it here. Registration ends on July 31st. But the classroom doors actually open on August 1st. I can’t wait.

Another Freebie

Until July 31 you can get the Growing and Using Herbs bundle from The for free.

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  1. Very useful information. My mother in law has plenty of herbs and lavender in her backyard. There’s so much she could use it for. I love these diffuser charms, exactly what I would need in my place. Currently we use essential oils for candles and for oil burners, and a few drops when having a bath. They are great, I love essential oils, especially the lavender.

  2. Love your site! The salve you have on Etsy reminds me of one I learned to make many years ago. The recipe I used then was a traditional Native American one. Having moved so many times, I lost it along the way. My grandmother is no longer here to share it with me and we were the last of the family to make out own. 🙁
    Your site offers a lot of good info that should help many people help themselves. Kudos!
    Wish you the best.

  3. I’m also here to express my joy and tell the world the actual truth which is; there is herbal cure.I’m from USA and also a herbal lover. I’m also a researcher on herbs for good health. Which also include Africa traditional and Asian herbal treatment &Tea, I support Herbal treatment, cure and vaccines. My view is based on my extensive research over a very long period of time, and my theoretical conclusion is, there is cure to all natural diseases including HSV, HIV, CANCERS, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B, COPD, FIBROIDS using the right medications with the right herbalist. Be bold and smart Don’t be fooled by selfish people who say, cure is impossible. 

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