
Currently September 2020

I am Joining Anne in Residence for her Currently linkup!

  I am definitely appreciating the cooler temperatures of September.
  As well as being grateful and appreciative of what family time we get. I am glad that I can be home with the kids and to take care of the home management and critters.
 I am not rushing time but I am anticipating slower days of the season of winter. But I might be kidding myself with that thought of slower days.  There will be snow to shovel and shorter daylight hours. I am not sure they will be slower other than my wishful thinking.
Winter day, Heavy Snow
Birch tree bent in the winter from the weight of the snow
We have been collecting what food we can harvest form our berry bushes and garden. We have enjoying the fresh food from our own yard.
wordless Wednesday
   Starting and Finishing are the two prompts that gave me a chuckle.  I usually feel like I don’t get much finished. I start plenty of things. I have been starting and finishing more books as I have been receiving more author requests for reviews.  I would really like to be finishing more of my decluttering and organizing. I would like to be starting more of my ‘fun’ projects.




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  1. Ooh I would love to have berry bushes! We did get to pick lots of blueberries from a co-workers fields though and will be so happy come winter to have those in our freezer 🙂

    Thanks for joining in!

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