Currently Picking Preparing Trying Feeling Following Nov 2019

Currently Picking Preparing Trying and more

currently picking preparing

I am currently picking, preparing, trying, feeling, and following. These are the prompts given to me for the Currently linkup by Anne in Residence.  
I am currently picking preparing  trying, feeling, and following.
I am Picking my battles. I have learned over the years that it is important to just let some things roll off and not get upset over everything. I need to focus on the important stuff and let the lesser stuff go.
currently picking, preparing, trying, feeling, and following
I am preparing for winter and the holidays. Those fall leaves in the image are disappearing fast and the days are darker longer. The air is much colder. Winter is definitely on its way. Having just had two surgeries in October I am not quite ready to deal with Mr. winter yet.
currently picking, preparing, trying, feeling, and following
I am trying to stay positive. I am trying to focus on the daily joys of my children and family. Finding positives in situations.  I  used to be a very negative person. Since working on my mindset it does make me feel a whole lot better.
currently picking, preparing, trying, feeling, and following
I am feeling tired and pained. I mentioned above that I had two surgeries in October. I also have some ongoing health issues that keep me fatigued. I got into a program working with a student herbalist and am working hard to change my diet and lifestyle to decrease inflammation and pain.
currently picking, preparing, trying, feeling, and following
I am following my heart.  i always wanted to be a mother and wife most of all. I am those things. Then I wanted to work with kids. In between my surgeries in October we were blessed with our first foster child. She has brought new energy into the home. I’m a bit more tired when I hit the bed at night but it is a good tired.
What are you up to currently?
I am linking up with Anne @ Anne In Residence using writing Prompts: picking, preparing, trying, feeling, and following.

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  1. I definitely need to focus on the positives more sometimes too. I’m sorry to hear you haven’t felt well, and two surgeries in one month is not fun!! Here’s to a wonderful holiday season!


  2. Yes, winter is most definitely on its way, and it’s not always easy to stay positive about it. Good job working towards the bright side though! And I hope you are feeling fully recovered soon.

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