Currently October Linking Up With Anne In Residence Exp 13th

Currently October Linking Up With Anne In Residence


Currently October borrowing:  I have been borrowing books from my local library and Kindle Unlimited. 


buying: I don’t know about you but I am having  a hard time shopping. It seems like things have gotten so expensive in the last 18 months.  I did buy a mini kids trampoline to have in my house for a little one who needs to get some excess energy out in the afternoons.


planning: I have been working on and planning my goals for the remainder of this year and even thinking about what my goals might be for 2022.

Currently Octoberv image of field of wildflowers says bloom where you are planted

prepping: We are busy doing prepping for winter. Stacking wood, Cleaning up yard debris. Need to spend some major time winter proofing the poultry coop and run.



Love Like Crazy book n music corner Image Description: woman sitting on bed with coffee and open notebook and pen. Says Book and Music Corner. Seeking Serenity and

reading:  I have been doing a lot of reading. It is my self care time usually. I take time to read and unwind before going to bed at night.


Linkup With Anne In Residence: Currently May 2021


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  1. Thanks for linking up with us on Traffic Jam Weekend at Were you sharing a link party? If so, I don’t see it here. I must not be clicking on something. Maybe it’s my settings or something. Anyway, I’m glad to have gotten to visit! I’m glad you’re getting some reading in, and yes things have gotten way too expensive! A 4lb pack of ground beef I used to buy for $4.98 is now $23.98! We will be eating a lot less meat!

    1. Ok. I see. You weren’t sharing a link party, just saying you’re linking up or having a blog party with someone. I had to see other titles of posts to realize. I see way too many “link up” titles, and just assumed it was a link up party, ha! Anyway, after my slow start, thanks for sharing.

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