Linkup With Anne In Residence: Currently May 2021
Linkup With Anne In Residence: Currently May 2021
I am linking up with Anne In Residence for the May edition of the Currently linkup. The writing prompts for May are:
May is a month for a lot of awareness to causes I am involved with
Celiac Disease Awareness Month
Foster Care Awareness Month
Childrens Mental Health Week May 2-8
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is National Creative Beginnings Month
- Arthritis Awareness Month
- Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
- Monday 5/3 kicks off Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher’s Appreciation Day is Tuesday May 4th which is also Star wars day
and National Weather Observation Day
5/5 is Cinco de Mayo
5/6 is National Nurse’s Day
May 9th Mothers Day
- Food Allergy Awareness Week (09 – 15 May)
- Women’s Health Week (10 – 16 May)
May 15 International Astronomy Day
May 17 is Tax Day for the 2021 Year. It is Normally in April but was extended this year due to the pandemic and IRS backlogs.
May 20th — Endangered Species Day.
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day (26th)
National Cellophane Tape Day (the 27th)
May 31st, the US will be celebrating Memorial Day
- World No Tobacco Day (31 May)
So far in May I am

I’m eating too much food that is bad for me too. And it’s also due to stress. Argh.
Lots of things to take note of in May! And I hope you do indeed have a month that has more feelings of productivity and overwhelm. I’m hoping to tackle some specific projects that need to happen before my maternity leave in the next month, and also hoping that will banish some of the overwhelm 🙂