
Currently Today July 2020 Edition

I am linking up with Anne in Residence for her July Currently linkup.  The prompts this month are Cooking, Photographing, Sharing, Trying, Wondering


Currently Cooking

Currently I am Cooking turkey bone broth. I love having this on hand to make soups, gravies and just add to a mug and drink. It is something I am trying to make more of a habit of.

Currently photographing

I am Photographing mostly with my phone because its always near by and charged unlike my Canon camera.  I am photographing a lot of pictures of flowers, the regularly visiting deer and turkeys. Mostly I am photographing the children in my house as they grow too fast. My ‘babies’ will be 18 on Sunday. Where did the days go?

Currently sharing

I am Sharing plenty of eggs thanks to my chickens. Though I have a lot less to share now that half of my flock has been lost to first a neighbors dog coming in the yard and then later some woodland predator that managed to get into the chicken run.

Currently trying

I am trying to focus less on scrolling social media and more time focusing on my blog, my Usborne books and more business and first and foremost my loved ones.

Seeking Serenity and Harmony


Currently wondering

I am Wondering what school in the fall is going to look like the for the little one I am caring for.  The schools have recently taken parent surveys for input. I have mixed feelings about it being online school. My twins just graduated from doing half of middle school and all of high school online so I am not against online or alternative or homeschooling. I just know this little one really needs more social time like would be had in previous times. With Covid hanging around safely socializing seems too big of a risk right now.

It will sure look different than back to school did in 2019



My previous Currently linkups

April 1st Currently


Currently Arranging and Loving

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